Press Release on OWC's 2019-2020 Work in Nepal
OWC 2019 Nepal Trip.png

OWC is honored to unveil our comprehensive reports covering our 2019-2020 work in Nepal. These reports, formatted under the direction of Professor Melissa Collum, give an analysis of our projects with the Tri Ka school and the Narayanpur Community. Included in the reports is a detailed history of our work with Govinda and Sudha Panthy’s schools, a detailed overview of our travel to Nepal, and our plan for future initiatives with the Narayanpur community. Publication of the reporting was assembled by (in alphabetical order) Chief of Operations Ben Honeycutt, Co-Executive Director Shelby Miller and with oversight from Co-Executive Director Connor Janzen. Our reporting was published after consultation with grant-writer Julie Paynotta, the founder of Pinon Grant Solutions and a professional with over 30 years of grant-writing experience in educational and non-profit fields. Today’s announcement would have been impossible without the incredible volunteers on our 2019-2020 Nepal travel team and their hard work and diligence through the reporting process.

We would like to thank the Panthy Family, Tri Ka’s educators, their students and the people of Narayanpur for welcoming OWC into their community. We are so honored to be your partner and can not wait to continue our partnership in the future.

Find our reporting here: